i might get a new digital camera for christmas! pictures for all!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Blog Browsing
there was nothing good on TV so i desided to go blog browsing and i found a few really cool ones. those New Yorkers can be really witty! an insperation! i will add then to my links! of course in new york cool shit happens but in NH uhh... nothing unless you want to hear about stupid hallway gossip which can get really gay after a while. When i was in New York this summer it was a riot... tones of awesome stuff happened to me every day. I was given flowers by a homeless guy in virgin records, some 40 yr old guy in times square told me i looked like JLo (which i really don't), i got to listen to a pretty sweet gangster barbershop quartet on the subway, and a random dude on the street asked me if i had a fake id after i told him i wasn't old enough to get into his wierd hip-hop club he was promoting. you see i was only there like 3 weeks... imagine if i lived there full time! boy oh golly what fun that would be! maybe when school starts again on mon. after 5 days off and a hellova lot of snow i will have something interesting to blab about... but till then read about these cool NY peoples lives... far more intresting!
So... i skipped the parade and went to the mall to look for jobs to help pay for my expensive shopping habit. I only applyed to Old Navy and Build-a-Bear. It sucks because all the good jobs require you to be over 18 which i am not so i get stuck with these. I don't mind Old Navy... their accesories are cute and i like Build-a-Bear because i like little kids plus my best friend works there. i can't wait till i have money... i need some cashmere... yummy! i am looking online for watches. i lost my cute Kenneth Cole one that i bought this summer and i need a new one. i was looking at Paul Frank but scence i am a loser and have trouble reading any non digital clock i am looking at a cute retro plastic one. if anyone has any cute brand ideas for a cheap skate like me send a comment!
alright... The purpose of my glorious blog. um i don't know. Before i decided to pursue a career in fashion I was extremely interested (and I still am) in fashion magazines. Now this is my magazine I guess yet I can talk about whatever the hell I want and probaly no one will read it!! woo hoo! well any way... the basic writings of this blog will be about fashion, movies, music, tv, things going on in my life, random therorys and comments about things etc etc. so if you happen to come across this baby... read a little bit, post a comment, or check out my AWESOME links, which i would like to talk about now. alright... i just want to explain the unselfexplanitory. FNX... the best radio station in the world. They have a button you can press on there website were you can listen to the station online so if you are in to the alternative music scene then check this out! Get Lippy is this weird... i think british website about fashion and famous people and pop culture. it is really cute. then there is P the Giraffe... my good friends brothers website. he makes all these cool movies about giraffes being killed... its actually hilarious! and the FIT (Fashion Institute of technology) is the school i am thinking about attending (i actually went there this summer for their summer live program). its wicked (very new england word there) awesome. so that's about it... i will add more later and maybe a list of cool blogs i like reading!! i have to go to a parade now because i am in a (gag!) Marching Band. No making fun please. Until next time
Friday, November 25, 2005
Picture of Me

Welcome to my life. I am Sarah, a New Hampshire princess dreaming of New York fashion stardom. I have a bold style that stands out from the preppy fashion clones of my high school (who still think Ugg boots are the coolest). With all this similarity around me I need a place to vent. As I approach the middle of Junior year and college/escape is growing closer I strive for something different. So all of you who are in a similar situation to me DON'T GIVE IN!! Embrace your uniqueness and show all those losers what cool really is!