Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I have to say... even though alot of people find it gross... that i love the Goodwill. Some stores are better than others but they always have something. Maybe it's my obsession with anything old or maybe it is my eye for finding purposes in purpose less items but i could really live in Goodwill. If you know what to look for that place is amazing. I bought a gorgeous vintage London Fog trench there for $5. Now a days London Fog sells the coats in their new coat collection for over $1,000!! It is in perfect condition too! I also found this beautiful hand crocheted blanket in rainbow colors and completely one of a kind for only$5. I just want to eliminate the gross rumors and let everyone know that if you know where to dig... Goodwill is full of hidden gems just waiting to be cherished!!
Monday, May 08, 2006

Oh My Goodness

So many cool things are happening!!

1. I got a new email address.... so if anyone wants to email me about anything (as long as is isn't junk or some stupid forward) about anything id love to chat!!

2. I got a new blog... it isn't like this one though and i am not gonna start really adding things till this summer but it is it is a bit more of a diary log kinda thing for this summer but you could check it out later if you want.

3. Have you seen the new Rolling Stone 1000th issue cover!??!?!? How COOL is that!! for those who have not seen it... it is like a giant hologram of rock, political and pop culture legends all together in this giant 3D collage. i didn't think you could do that on a magazine!! That ones going on the wall.