Saturday, April 08, 2006

New Online Discovery

I love surfing the web for cool websites but i never though a cool website would come to me!! So you see this cool dude Andrew left a comment on my blog about his new website and asking if maybe I could check it out and write a bit about it... so i went there ( and i have to say it is a pretty neat place. the whole concept of the site is fashion based (which I love) and is even a bit magazine like (which i love even more). You see, you go and start your own little blog like profile on their site and you get to post cool fashion related pictures that you like from either your computer or online and other memebers get to comment on the stuff. It is a great way to spread ideas and trends via the internet. I applaud Andrew and his pals for a job well done and suggest you go check it out for yourself to see what all the fuss is about!! My "Look Book"... as they call it can be found at the following website if you want to check out some of my fav stuff!! I hope you have fun with this site... i thought it was totaly cool!!
*** Sorry that i overused the word cool in this review... but really there is no other way to describe it!!!!**

By the way... if any other readers have a site or blog that is either Fashion, Music, or Beauty related i would LOVE to check it out and write a bit about it here on my blog!! just post a comment and i will take a look!!